Davies Entertainment announces the “Brawl De Los Muertos” event for October 22nd

The second annual Brawl Off-Broadway went off without a hitch on August 20th and became another successful event for Davies Entertainment. If you attended the event, you were aware at the end of the exhibition; it was stated that the staff was already planning a third Brawl slated to be announced in the fall season. So when the end of September arrived, it was then declared that the third upcoming Brawl would be happening on October 22nd at the Davies Event Center titled “Brawl De Los Muertos,” a special edition of the prominent boxing event with the name inspired after the Mexican holiday.

The Brawl would have boxers Xavier “X” Nunez, Floyd “Kid Austin” Schofield & Daniel “Da Beast” Baiz presented on the fight card, with performances from artists Bankreaux, KNDRX & Sebastien De La Cruz to help bring more festivities to the event. As viewed from previous footage, there will never be a dull moment during the matches and what’s guaranteed is that the show will sell out before the day of the event. We recommend getting a ticket or two in the link down below before you’re sitting at home dredging, not getting tickets, and experiencing a valiant Davies Entertainment event. 

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